
Friday, July 22, 2011

Wow! Long time!

Almost 2 years since I last posted! I'm not very good at blogging! As anyone can tell! ;-)

Soooooooooo...lots has happened in my life since my last post....won't even try to catch up. But I thank the Lord for all the valleys and mountain tops I've crossed since then! He grows us through all these things and so I wouldn't be the person I am today without them! Praise His Name!

I've been having health problems the past 3 or 4 months and don't have a clue what is going on and neither does my dr. it seems. Why is it that when they can't figure out what's going on they want to try to blame it on stress? Yes, my life is stressful at times, but no more so than many other people's lives. Ugh! I've been through this so many times and no one can seem to find an answer...except they think I'm stressed and that's my problem! Ugh! (again!)

Just a few short weeks until I'll be taking a week off from my daycare....can hardly wait! I am praying I'll feel up to Henry & I taking a short trip somewhere, just to get away from everything!

Well, that's about all I'm up to for now. Hopefully I'll be back before 2013! LOL!

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