
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a boy!!

I thought it was so sweet of our son and daughter-in-love to invite her mother and me to go along with them today when they went for the sonagram to find out if they're having a little girl or boy....and yes! It's a boy! I think if either of them had smiled any bigger their faces would have split! I'm so happy for them....and for us, too! Now it's just a matter of waiting until April for the little guy to arrive!

It amazes me that there are people who actually believe these little ones are not real human beings until the day they are born! My word! Maybe they've never seen a sonogram up close and personal and seen these little guys and girls moving about in their mommies tummies, or seen and heard their little hearts beat!

" Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." Jeremiah 1:5. This tells me that God knows us before we are even concieved and has a plan for our lives! I'm so thankful I serve a God who loves me and knew me from the beginning of time!

I long for the day when we'll see Him face to face.

And can't wait to see our new grandson face to face as well!!